This Fellowship group celebrates Spirituality, Love and Compassion. We can all benefit from living consciously and with an open heart.

At a soul level, you came here to experience the human form, to learn and grow and fulfil your soul’s unique mission. So pay attention to your intuition, embrace your personal power and fulfil your potential.

Our true nature is eternal and infinite. Our loved ones who have transitioned into Spirit world are only a thought away and they and our spirit team can communicate messages to us and assist us on our journey.

This Fellowship embraces Evidential mediumship, Spiritual healing, and Psychic and Energy readings and being open to the guidance of the Divine. It is equally important to make time to tune inwards for authentic expression of your own truth.

Our Fellowship held its first gathering in August 2023 (we previously met each other under another group structure). Our new special space gives us freedom to evolve and grow in any direction with the intention of our gatherings to be uplifting, healing and inspirational. The energy of this group is wonderfully supportive, welcoming and loving and provides a space for people to open their heart and be who they really are.

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